- I am
- a Third-culture-kid, raised in Argentina and Brazil. Later I lived in Germany, Japan and the United States. Since then the world is round –I feel globally at home.
- I have
- studied philosophy and cultural studies with a passion. I like to reflect, think outside the box, question things in depth and keep learning. In theory and in practice.
- I can
- tune in to people, with questions open new perspectives, surprise, look through matters of course, recognize patterns, inspire and structure. Appreciation is the basis, clarity the goal.
- I love
- to listen – what people feel, how they see the world, what moves them, the nuances, how they express themselves. But also to music, the sound of the ocean and the bird-concerts in spring. Beauty is everywhere.
- I do
- what I love. Analytical, intuitive and creative at once. Preferably with people who mean it. Not everybody is a good match and I don’t fit with all organizations. I consider integrity vital.
My life has led me to different places and through stages. Not only do they make sense in retrospective; more so, they open up different perspectives that converge and enrich my work with and for people.
- As head of the Center of Competence „International Communication and Cooperation“ in a multinational corporation I learned what it means to lead an international team, to bear product and profit responsibility and to understand the impact of the surrounding organizational culture on the internal dynamics of a department.
- As Assistant Professor I taught and researched at various universities in the United States and in Germany. I am familiar with the character of this organization. To me theory and practice are not opposites but rather complementary ways to enable insight and altered perspectives.
- As a trainer and coach I recognize people’s potentials and support them, individually and in groups, for more than 20 years, building on their strengths and recognising their purpose and vision.
- My life experience in different cultures from South-America to Asia, USA and Europe taught me early on that our perception of reality is manifold – a function of our assumptions, beliefs and values. Still, there is something integral we jointly share. In diesem Spannungsfeld verändert sich der Blick auf das was ist und sein kann.
- My working languages are: German, English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Education and Advanced Training
- Master Curriculum and certification in Systemic Business Coaching, WIBK, Paderborn, D
- Certified Consultant in Systemic Organizational Development, WIBK, Paderborn, D
- Certified practitioner for the Cultural Transformation Tool (CTT), Barrett Values Centre, UK and USA
- Certified practitioner for the Internal Family System (IFS), Center for Self-Leadership, USA
- Certified trainer for the Team Management System (TMS), TMS Center Freiburg, D and Australia.
- Advanced professional training in Leadership Skills, Strategy- and Scenario Management, Spiral Dynamics (Beck, Cowan), Communication according to Schulz von Thun, Non-violent Communication (with Marshall Rosenberg and K-Training), Systemic Consensing, Logotherapy according to Viktor Frankl, Zürich Resource Model (ZRM, Maja Storch), MBSR, Core-Evolution, The Work von Byron Katie.
- University Studies in Philosophy, Linguistics and Cultural Studies at the University of Hamburg. Graduation: Dr. phil. in 1993 with a thesis on ‘Understanding Otherness’.
New Publication (in German)
Forschen - Lehren - Führen
Das ABC für die Hochschulkarriere
Herausgegeben:Hammerschmidt, Anette; Enke, Neela
Universitäten und Hochschulen sind weitaus komplexer als es auf den ersten Blick den Anschein hat. Dies bekommen v.a. Mitarbeiterinnen im Mittelbau, Dozenteninnen und Professoreninnen zu spüren. Sie sind nicht nur mit Forschung und Lehre betraut, sondern auch mit einem breiten Spektrum recht diverser Aufgaben und Verantwortungen. Welche Schlüsselkompetenzen braucht es, um sich in diesem Feld zurechtzufinden? Wie bereite ich mich auf den Berufungsprozess vor? Wie führt man ein Team oder Institut? Wie gehe ich mit Stress um? Das Buch behandelt diese vielfältigen Schwierigkeiten und Herausforderungen.
Tübingen, 2021
UTB-Nr 5425
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